1709.1 General
Where proposed construction is not capable of being designed by approved engineering analysis, or where proposed construction design
method does not comply with the applicable material design standard, the system of construction or the structural unit and the connections
shall be subjected to the tests prescribed in Section 1709. The building official shall accept certified reports of such tests conducted by an
approved testing agency, provided that such tests meet the requirements of this code and approved procedures.
1709.2 Load Test Procedures Specified
Where specific load test procedures, load factors and acceptance criteria are included in the applicable referenced standards, such test
procedures, load factors and acceptance criteria shall apply. In the absence of specific test procedures, load factors or acceptance criteria, the
corresponding provisions in Section 1709.3 shall apply.
1709.3 Load Test Procedures Not Specified
Where load test procedures are not specified in the applicable referenced standards, the load-bearing and deformation capacity of structural
components and assemblies shall be determined on the basis of a test procedure developed by a registered design professional that simulates
applicable loading and deformation conditions. For components and assemblies that are not a part of the seismic force-resisting system, the
test shall be as specified in Section 1709.3.1. Load tests shall simulate the applicable loading conditions specified in Chapter 16.
1709.3.1 Test Procedure
The test assembly shall be subjected to an increasing superimposed load equal to not less than two times the superimposed design load.
The test load shall be left in place for a period of 24 hours. The tested assembly shall be considered to have successfully met the test
requirements if the assembly recovers not less than 75 percent of the maximum deflection within 24 hours after the removal of the test
load. The test assembly shall then be reloaded and subjected to an increasing superimposed load until either structural failure occurs or
the superimposed load is equal to two and one-half times the load at which the deflection limitations specified in Section 1709.3.2 were
reached, or the load is equal to two and one-half times the superimposed design load. In the case of structural components and
assemblies for which deflection limitations are not specified in Section 1709.3.2, the test specimen shall be subjected to an increasing
superimposed load until structural failure occurs or the load is equal to two and one-half times the desired superimposed design load. The
allowable superimposed design load shall be taken as the lesser of:
- The load at the deflection limitation given in Section 1709.3.2.
- The failure load divided by 2.5.
- The maximum load applied divided by 2.5.
1709.3.2 Deflection
The deflection of structural members under the design load shall not exceed the limitations in Section 1604.3.
1709.4 Wall and Partition Assemblies
Load-bearing wall and partition assemblies shall sustain the test load both with and without window framing. The test load shall include all
design load components. Wall and partition assemblies shall be tested both with and without door and window framing.
1709.5 Exterior Window and Door Assemblies
The design pressure rating of exterior windows and doors in buildings shall be determined in accordance with Section 1709.5.1 or 1709.5.2.
For exterior windows and doors tested in accordance with Sections 1709.5.1 or 1709.5.2, required design wind pressures determined from
ASCE 7 shall be permitted to be converted to allowable stress design by multiplying by 0.6.
Exception: Structural wind load design pressures for window units smaller than the size tested in accordance with Section 1709.5.1 or
1709.5.2 shall be permitted to be higher than the design value of the tested unit provided such higher pressures are determined by
accepted engineering analysis. Components of the small unit shall be the same as the tested unit. Where such calculated design pressures
are used, they shall be validated by an additional test of the window unit having the highest allowable design pressure.
1709.5.1 Exterior Windows and Doors
Exterior windows and sliding doors shall be tested and labeled as conforming to AAMA/WDMA/CSA101/I.S.2/A440. The label shall state
the name of the manufacturer, the approved labeling agency and the product designation as specified in
AAMA/WDMA/CSA101/I.S.2/A440. Exterior side-hinged doors shall be tested and labeled as conforming to
AAMA/WDMA/CSA101/I.S.2/A440 or comply with Section 1709.5.2. Products tested and labeled as conforming to AAMA/WDMA/CSA
101/I.S.2/A440 shall not be subject to the requirements of Sections 2403.2 and 2403.3.
1709.5.2 Exterior Windows and Door Assemblies Not Provided for in Section 1709.5.1
Exterior window and door assemblies shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E330. Structural performance of garage doors and rolling
doors shall be determined in accordance with either ASTM E330 or ANSI/DASMA 108, and shall meet the acceptance criteria of
ANSI/DASMA 108. Exterior window and door assemblies containing glass shall comply with Section 2403. The design pressure for testing
shall be calculated in accordance with Chapter 16. Each assembly shall be tested for 10 seconds at a load equal to 1.5 times the design
1709.6 Skylights and Sloped Glazing
Skylights and sloped glazing shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 24.
1709.7 Test Specimens
Test specimens and construction shall be representative of the materials, workmanship and details normally used in practice. The properties of
the materials used to construct the test assembly shall be determined on the basis of tests on samples taken from the load assembly or on
representative samples of the materials used to construct the load test assembly. Required tests shall be conducted or witnessed by an
approved agency